Steel Tight Head Pails
Chemicals, lubricants, coatings, solvents, adhesives, roofing mastics, driveway
sealers, fragrances, fuels, hazardous materials, viscous products and other
Special Features
Variety of gauges, fittings & exterior coatings in standard colors available
UN-certified for liquid products
Drum fittings and D-handles can be installed
Steel tighthead pails contain 25-percent post-consumer recycled content and are 100-percent recyclable
Sizes & Specifications
Product Options
Pail Gauges
28, 26, and 24 ga.
Rieke, 2-1/8 Screw Cap, ¾” and 2” Drum Plugs
Interior Pail Linings
Phenolic and epoxy phenolic linings and rust inhibitor are available.
UN Ratings
Available in liquids ratings. Please Contact Fox Valley Containers for specific information.
Exterior Colors and Decorating
Black and Gray are stock. Custom colors and lithography available as special order.
Bulk pallets

Request a Quote
For your custom quote, please fill out the form below or call (847)836-2203 to speak with our friendly staff today! If you submit your request with the form below, someone from our team will be in contact within 24 business hours.